Former Star Player Who Should Have Been Super Star Today

We all know that Derrick Rose was the youngest MVP in the NBA history and he was a super star until he started having injury over and over again.  We all think about him IF he did not get injuries.  Today I want to talk about top 3 players who would have been super star today.

No.3 Andrew Bynum.  Andrew Bynum mainly played for Lakers.  He was a good inside scorer and defender.  He was almost having double double every game in his prime.  And he was expected as rising super star, but his knee injury with Kobe stopped him growing as a player and destroyed his NBA career.

No.2 Greg Oden.  Greg Oden was No.1 pick of 2007 draft and everyone thought he would be the savior of the Blazers.  But it did not go as well as everyone thought.  He had injury even before his 1st year of NBA season starts, and this injury ruined his entire career.  He played several seasons and he showed his potential, but it was not consistent because of the his knee.

No1.  Brandon Roy.  Brandon Roy was Blazers’ franchise player and was an 3 times All Star and 2 time All NBA Team player.  When his prime, he was ranked No.3 shooting guard following Kobe and Wade.  He had great shooting skill and athleticism, and moreover, he was a great clutch player in the league.   He was averaging over 16 points since rookie season until 09′-10′ season.  From 10′-11′ season because of his knee injury, his stats started drooping down.  After the 10′-11′ season, retired from NBA.  Although he came back in 12′-13′ season, he was not the same player he used to be.

When you guys play basketball, I hope you enjoy playing and please stay away from getting injuries.  Peace!!

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